For each type of project FORFIRM is at your side to give you concrete help throughout the life cycle of the project, guaranteeing a very high quality level at a fair cost, thus guaranteeing you the most important thing for us: your serenity and being in a comfort zone.

FORFIRM in fact guarantees you a global service that covers every project aspect at 360 degrees, managing risks and issues on a daily basis and reducing costs where possible. Our main compass is always to deliver on time and on budget, without ever compromising on quality.

In the first instance, we detail the business requirements in the best possible way, verifying both the feasibility at a technical level and compliance at the legal level, and at the same time we check if possible to reduce the economic impacts of the project through BRP or by making use of public funds.

Once the technical, legal and economic feasibility of the project has been determined, the actual implementation phase begins, in which we will implement the best project management practices, providing a drafting of both high and low-level planning and defining the criteria to guarantee the expected quality.

Our processes are certified ISO 9001 and is based on the principales of Prince 2 for project management, while design technology architecture is based on TOGAF 9 framework and management of business analysis work adheres to BABOK 3 framework.

With FORFIRM, therefore, I would not need to involve other actors, but we will be able to accompany you step by step in the process of conception, planning and implementation of the process, up to the assistance from our procurement office.


    During the business analysis we take care oftracing the requirements, in order to ensure that requirements and designs at different levels are aligned to one another, then we define abusiness strategythat represents the most effective way to apply the capabilities of an enterprise in order to reach a desired set of goals and objectives. All these activities are translated into an output definedBusiness case, which represents the business justification of the project

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    FORFIRM carries out a detailed analysis of the regulations that impact the project, making sure of thelegal complianceof the project outputs, also releasing a detaileddocument of regulatory riskswith an attachedmitigation and action planin the event that legislative issues arise

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    Based on the type of project, we will identify the type of adequate financing among those provided for by the EU system, in particular we will identify whether to leverage direct or indirect financing.

    Once we have identified tenders consistent with the project you want to implement, we will support you from the initial phase of collecting administrative documentation, up to the creation of technical documentation and finally in the proposal of an economic offer

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    FORFIRM will  suggest you thebest technical solutionon market, assuming the full risk for the performance of the service, undertaking to organise, perform and take care of its provision in complete independency, with its own organisation and its own means as well as to guarantee the best technical and quality standards atbest price on market,thanks to our thanks to our extensive network of partnershp with the most important distributors in the SW & HW field

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    During the control phase of the project stages, the FORFIRM project managers ensure thecorrect implementation of the work packages,their drafting together with the team leader thework package plan(more detailed planning)and the execution of each expected feature

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    Downstream of the collection of business requirements, theproject breakdownis drawn up which represents the skeleton and the main prerequisite for carrying out aplanning.
    We will draw up therisk and issuelogs in order to manage any deviation from the planning, and we will evaluate the SLAs toverify the qualityof the deliverables.
    In addition to this, we will define the processes and methodologies ofchange management,and we will evaluate the actors involved in each project phase

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Today, companies are called upon to undertake an important cost-efficiency exercise to compete globally.

Our clients that have adopted the FORFIRM's robotic solutions in HR, commercial, back-office, customer care and, finance processes have, achieved higher service quality by significantly reducing operative costs.


Companies across sectors cooperate with trusted partners in a complex regulatory environment and are looking to develop an integrated supply chain, a main focus being to reduce transaction costs in a reliable and secure environment. With the adoption of smart contracts, it is possible to both reduce transaction times and costs, while guaranteeing compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.


The banking, insurance, TELCO and pharmaceutical sectors are evolving and becoming increasingly competitive, due to external regulation.

Companies which approach regulatory requirements by adopting a risk-based approach are able to reduce inefficiencies and experience advantages over competitors.



The purpose of Trace Requirements is to ensure that requirements and designs at different levels are aligned to one another, and to manage the effects of change to one level on related requirement. Requirements traceability identifies and documents the lineage of each requirement, including its backward traceability, its forward traceability, and its relationship to other requirements. Traceability is used to help ensure that the solution conforms to requirements and to assist in scope, change, risk, time, cost, and communication management. It is also used to detect missing functionality or to identify if there is implemented functionality that is not supported by any requirement. Traceability enables:

  • Faster and simpler impact analysis,
  • More reliable discovery of inconsistencies and gaps in requirements
  • Deeper insights into the scope and complexity of a change, and
  • Reliable assessment of which requirements have been addressed and which have not

Traceability also supports both requirements allocation and release planning by providing a direct line of sight from requirement to expressed need.


  • Requirements: may be traced to other requirements (including goals, objectives, business requirements, stakeholder requirements, solution requirements, and transition requirements), solution components, visuals, business rules, and other work products
  • Designs: may be traced to other requirements, solution components, and other work products


  • Business Rules Analysis: used to trace business rules to requirements that they support, or rules that support requirements
  • Functional Decomposition: used to break down solution scope into smaller components for allocation, as well as to trace high-level concepts to low-level concepts
  • Process Modelling: used to visually show the future state process, as well as tracing requirements to the future state process
  • Scope Modelling: used to visually depict scope, as well as trace requirements to the area of scope the requirement supports


  • Requirements (traced): have clearly defined relationships to other requirements, solution components, or releases, phases, or iterations, within a solution scope, such that coverage and the effects of change are clearly identifiable
  • Designs (traced): clearly defined relationships to other requirements, solution components, or releases, phases, or iterations, within a solution scope, such that coverage and the effects of change are clearly identifiable


The Strategy Analysis knowledge area includes the following tasks:

  • Analyse Current State: understands the business need and how it relates to the way the enterprise functions today. Sets a baseline and context for change.
  • Define Future State: defines goals and objectives that will demonstrate that the business need has been satisfied and defines what parts of the enterprise need to change to meet those goals and objectives
  • Assess Risks understands the uncertainties around the change, considers the effect those uncertainties may have on the ability to deliver value through a change, and recommends actions to address risks where appropriate
  • Define Change Strategy: performs a gap analysis between current and future state, assesses options for achieving the future state, and recommends the highest value approach for reaching the future state including any transition states that may be required along the way


  • Current State Description: the context of the enterprise’s scope, capabilities, resources, performance, culture, dependencies, infrastructure, external influences, and significant relationships between these elements
  • Business Requirements: the problem, opportunity, or constraint which is defined based on an understanding of the current state


The business case documents the business justification of a project. This sets out not only the reason for the project, but also confirms whether the project is

  • Desirable: the balance of costs, benefits and risks
  • Viable: able to deliver the products
  • Achievable: whether use of the products is likely to result in envisaged outcomes and resulting benefits


  • Business case report: provides the costs, benefits, expected dis-benefits, risks and timescale against which viability is justified and continuing viability is tested
  • Benefits management approach: defines the management actions that will be put in place to ensure that the project’s outcomes are achieved and confirm that the project’s benefits are realised



The EU has several different funding programmes that you may be able to apply for, depending on the nature of your business or project. There are two different types: direct funding and indirect funding.

Direct funding - The allocation of direct funding capital is managed by the European Institutions. There are two types of funding available: grants and contracts.

Grants are given to specific projects that relate to EU policies, usually following a public announcement known as a call for proposals.

Contracts are issued by EU institutions to buy services, goods or works that they need for their operations – such as studies, training, conference organisation or IT equipment.

Indirect funding is managed by national and regional authorities and comprises nearly 80% of the EU budget


The Domestic funds has several different funding programmes that you may be able to apply for, depending on the nature of your business or project. There are two different types: direct funding and Tax discount funding.

Direct funding - The allocation of direct funding capital is managed by the country. There are two types of funding available: grants and co-investment.

Tax discount funding represent a discount on Tax related to R&D initiatives.


FORFIRM will  suggest you the best technical solution on market, assuming the full risk for the performance of the service, undertaking to organise, perform and take care of its provision in complete independency, with its own organisation and its own means as well as to guarantee the best technical and quality standards at best price on market, thanks to our thanks to our extensive network of partnershp with the most important distributors in the SW & HW field.

Product sourcing services provide high-quality services at low total costs. Since there is no singular approach for all organizations, it is imperative to determine a customized strategy for each organization.

A coalition between a global delivery network and supply-chain professionals to help supplier management in low cost countries offers a dependable procurement service provider.

Most services provide strategic first-class know-how and excellence in operation, as well as, cutting-edge online purchasing solutions. Selecting an efficient service transmutes to a smart business decision for driving growth and profit for your firm in a demanding business environment.


Within the Controlling a Stage process, it is vital that any work to create the specialist products must not start unless the work package has been authorized by the project manager, for if the team made their own decisions about when and what work should start, then chaos would ensue.

Therefore, work packages are used to define and control work that needs to be done and to optionally set tolerances or the team manager. The work package is used to pass responsibility for the work to be carried out to the team manager or the team members themselves, and are used within the Managing Product Delivery process.

A work package can be done informally or formally dependent upon the nature of the project, and it should include the work to create one or more specialist products. Such a work package may include sections from, or reference to, the project plan, stage plan or project initiation documentation.

The project initiation documentation should also be exam and to note the project controls required with regard to progress reporting arrangements, the quality standards that must be met, and these are defined within the quality management strategy, and if any products are to be handed over after approval during the stage. The configuration management strategy will lay out any Handover procedures. The project manager is responsible for the activity of authorize a work package, and this will be the first activity within a stage. Work packages may be given out singularly or several at a time, and every work package must contain at least one product description. The team manager will optionally produce a team plan, and this will cover the execution of one or more work packages. Whenever the project manager takes corrective action normally in response to an issue or risk, then this may result in the issue of a new, or a modified work package. Each work package must be reviewed with the team manager to ensure that they have accepted it and that they are authorize to begin work.

If a team managers team plan has been created then they should be reviewed by the project manager, or at least the milestone extract from it if the team plan contents should not be seen by the project manager. As a result of accepting a work package, it may be necessary to update the stage plan, the configuration item records to show the status of the work package products are now under creation, the plans quality management activities should be updated with in the quality register, and if required the risk and issue registers should also be updated as laid out within the risk management strategy and the configuration management strategy. Of particular importance is the project assurance should be consulted to ensure that the selected quality reviewers are acceptable to both from a knowledge, skills and experience perspective and that they are suitably independent from those who are to create the products. The team manager will produce checkpoint reports at the frequency and formality laid down within each work package. The project manager will use these to ensure that the work package and hence the stage, is on track to deliver on time, budget, and within tolerance.

Work Package Control

As an absolute minimum, the project manager may give out one work package whose scope covers the creation of all of the products within that stage. But normally this is not the case as there is usually a logical sequence within which the work and product creation must adhere to. So it is highly likely that several work packages will be authorized by the project manager in either a parallel or series fashion. Suppose for example that the project manager has several teams are working within a particular stage, it is highly likely that the project manager will want to specify the exact work and products to be created by each team, and will therefore issue more than one work package at the same point in time.

Team Plan for Work Packages

On some occasions, the team manager may wish to create a team plan thatcovers one or more work packagesthat they are responsible for. In which case, this team plan will need to be created by for the team manager can agree to accept the work package. The reasons for this are that the team manager will develop some form of aGantt chart, and check that the schedule is realistic and it is feasible based on resource availability. Again, it is likely that the team plan had been already created during the planning of that particular stage as mentioned above. But care should be taken here, as any planning and discussions of work to be done on the next stage will likely take time and cost, and the wise project manager will ensure that such costs are available within the current stage or the next stage plans.

Work Package progress.

The project manager will be using the checkpoint reports as one of the main inputs to creating the regular highlight report that was agreed with the project board at stage approval time. The checkpoint reports will contain the information, structure and format as laid down within the work package. The project manager will want to collect actual information such as work effort, cost, and the duration of the work activities. If this is being done via time sheets, then it is likely that project support a will aggregate and report such information to the project manager. The project manager will also want to know that the products are fully complete and that they are being produced to the right level of quality. The project manager will want to check that the right tests are being done at the right time by the right people. In addition, the project manager will readily check the contents of the quality register which describes what actions have been taken and what the true status of each product is. Put simply, each product is first created, then tested, then checked that it meets the quality criteria, and if it passes, that the right individual has authorized the product as complete.

Work Package completion.

When all of the products within a work package are deemed complete as explained above, the team manager will deliver those products to the project manager as part of the process activity ‘deliver a work package’. Of course, in the real world, that may not happen exactly as described above. It may be that the team manager merely a advises the project manager that the products are complete and that the actual products themselves are passed to someone else.



The purpose of the quality theme is to define and implement the means by which the project will verify that products are fit for purpose.

FORFIRM focus on product principal to its approach to quality and govern systematic activities to:

  • Explicitly agree the customer’s quality expectations and acceptance criteria for the project product
  • Implement and track the quality methods employed throughout the project


  • Assess the conformity of a product against the quality criteria documented in the product description
  • Involve key interested parties in checking the product’s quality and in promoting wider acceptance of the product
  • Provide confirmation that the product is complete and ready for approval
  • Baseline the product for future change control.


The purpose of the plan theme is to facilitate communication and control by defining the means of delivering the products. FORFIRM plan approach is product centric having the benefit of clearly and consistently identifying and documenting the products to be produced by the plan and the interdependencies between them: this reduces the risk of important scope aspects being neglected or overlooked.


  • Project product description: A description of the overall project’s output, including the customer’s quality expectations, together with the acceptance criteria and acceptance methods for the project,
  • Product description: A description of each product’s purpose, composition, derivation and quality criteria,
  • Product breakdown structure: A hierarchy of all the products to be produced during a plan
  • Plan: Provides a statement of how and when objectives are to be achieved, by showing the major product activities and resources required for the scope of the plan.


The purpose of the risk is to identify, access and control uncertainty and, as a result, improve the ability of the project to succeed.


  • Risk management approach: Describes how risks are managed on the project. This includes the specific processes, procedures, techniques, standards and responsibilities to be applied,
  • Risk register provides a record of identified risks relating to the project, including their status and history. IT is used to capture and maintain information on all the identified threats and opportunities relating to the project.


The purpose of change theme is to identity, assess and control any potential and approved changes to the project baselines.

The project needs a systematic approach to the identification, assessment and control of issues that may result in change. Issue and change control is a continual activity, performed throughout the life of the project.

The changes are identified as issue to cover any relevant event that has happened, was not planned and requires management action during the project. Issues may be raised at any time during the project by anyone with an interest in the project or its outcome.

After the issue has been identified and captured, there needs to be a controlled process for assessing the issue and determining what action to take in response. The response to an issue might be to change some dimension of the project’s time, cost and scope and there are only two reasons to implement a change: to introduce a new benefit or to protect an existing benefit.


The purpose of the closing a project process is to provide a fixed point at which acceptance of the project product is confirmed and to recognise that objectives have been achieved (or approved changes to the objectives have been achieved), or that the project has nothing more to contribute.

The objective of the closing a project process is to:

  • Verify user acceptance of the project product
  • Review the performance of the project against its baseline
  • Assess any benefits that have already been realized and update the benefits management approach to include any post project benefit review.
  • Ensure that provision has been made to address all open issues and risks, with follow-on action recommendations.